智慧型系統控制整合與應用實驗室(ISCIA LAB)


姓 名:邱智煇 (Chih-Hui Chiu, Ph.D.)

職 稱:教授 (Professor)

學 歷:國立中央大學電機工程博士





電話:(02)2462-2192 分機7205



海洋大學通訊系教授 2018/02-迄今

海洋大學通訊系 副教授 2016/02-2018/01

元智大學電機系 副教授 2011/08-2016/01

元智大學電機系 助理教授 2007/08-2011/07

中原大學電機系 助理教授 2006/08-2007/07

清雲科大電子系 助理教授 2000/08-2006/07

惠盈量測科技股份有限公司 工程師 1997/08-2000/07


  1. 獲得”2017台北國際發明暨技術交易展”發明競賽金牌

  2. 2017第十七屆旺宏金矽獎,榮獲應用組 銅獎指導教授獎

  3. 2017第十七屆旺宏金矽獎,榮獲應用組 銅獎

  4. 一百零五年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽榮獲研究所組佳作

  5. 一百零四年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽榮獲研究所組第三名

  6. 一百零三年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽榮獲研究所組第一名

  7. 十四屆旺宏金矽獎,榮獲應用組 優等獎

  8. 一百零二年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽榮獲大專組第二名

  9. 指導學生以「獨輪車II」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”一百零一年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組佳作

  10. 指導學生以「Wheeled conveyance vehicle」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”一百年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組第一名

  11. 指導學生以「一臂之力」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”一百年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組佳作

  12. 指導學生以「獨輪車」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”一百年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組佳作

  13. 以「工具機之人體碰觸感應裝置」獲得”2010台北國際發明暨技術交易展”發明競賽銀牌

  14. 指導學生以「電動雙輪滑板車」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十九年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組佳作

  15. 指導學生以「Table-saw工具機安全防護裝置」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十九年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲大學組佳作

  16. 指導學生以「雙足機器人之設計與實現」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十八年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組優等

  17. 指導學生以「個人化GPS定位裝置」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十七年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲研究所組佳作

  18. 指導學生以「兩輪警衛機器人」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十四年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲機器人與自動機具類第三名

  19. 指導學生以「具視覺能力之雙輪警衛機器人」之製作參加教育部主辦之,”九十三年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲控制類第二名

  20. 指導學生以「影像導航之兩輪機器人」之製作參加,”2004義隆盃單晶片微控制器應用製作大賽暨人工智慧大賽”,榮獲一般控制組佳作

  21. 指導學生以「兩輪機器人自我平衡控制之設計與實現」之製作參加教育部主辦台灣科技大學承辦之,”九十二學年度全國微電腦應用系統設計製作競賽”,榮獲嵌入式系統類優等

  22. 指導學生以「影像導航無人控制自走車」之製作參加,”2003義隆盃單晶片微控制器應用製作大賽暨人工智慧大賽”,榮獲控制組佳作

  23. 指導學生以「模糊控制平台之設計與製作」之製作參加教育部區域產學合作中心舉辦之,”九十一學年度北區技職校院專題製作競賽”,榮獲甲類電機組第一名

  24. 指導學生以「直線型倒單擺之甩上、直立及定位模糊控制器」之製作參加,”2002義隆盃單晶片微控制器應用製作大賽暨人工智慧大賽”,榮獲控制組優等


1. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang,” Implementation of a ball inverted pendulum with omnidirectional moving ability using a robust fuzzy control strategy,” ISA Transactions, vol. 86, pp. 287-298, March 2019. (SCI&EI).

2. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chieh-Min Lin,” Implementation of a biomimetic flapping-wing robot based on internet of things technology,” Advanced Mechanical Science and Technology for the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Springer, 2018.

3. Chih-Hui Chiu and Yu-Shiou Huang,” Internet of Things Technology Applies to Two Wheeled Guard Robot with Visual Ability,” Advanced Mechanical Science and Technology for the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Springer, 2018.

4. Van-Phong Vu, Wen-June Wang, Jacek. M. Zurada, Hsiang-Chieh Chen and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Unknown input method based observer synthesis for a discrete time uncertain T-S fuzzy system,” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 761-770, 2018. (SCI&EI)

5. Chih-Hui Chiu and Ya-Fu Peng, “Position and angle control for a two-wheel robot,” Int. J. Contr. Autom. Syst., vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 2343-2354, 2017. (SCI&EI)

6. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chieh-Min Lin, “Control of an omnidirectional spherical mobile robot using an adaptive Mamdani-type fuzzy control strategy,” Neural Computing and Application, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1303-1315, 2018. (SCI&EI)

7. Chih-Hui Chiu, Ya-Fu. Peng, and Chung-Hsun Sun, “Intelligent decoupled controller for mobile inverted pendulum real-time implementation,” Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 3809-3820, May 2017. (SCI&EI)

8. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-Ru Tsai , “Design and Implementation of an Omni-Directional Spherical Mobile Platform ”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 62, no.3, pp.1619-1628, Mar. 2015 (SCI&EI)

9. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chun Chieh Chang , “Wheeled human transportation vehicle implementation using output recurrent fuzzy control strategy ”, IET Control Theory Appl., 8(17) pp.1886-1895, 2014. (SCI&EI)

10. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chun Chieh Chang , “Design and Development of Mamdani-like fuzzy control algorithm for a wheeled human conveyance vehicle control ”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 59, no.12, pp.4774-4783, Dec. 2012(SCI&EI)

11. Cheng-Hao Huang, Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Velocity control realization for a self-balancing transporter”, IET Control Theory Appl., 5(13) (2011) 1551-1560. (SCI&EI)

12. Chih-Hui Chiu, Ya-Fu Peng, and You-Wei Lin, “Robust intelligent backstepping tracking control for wheeled inverted pendulum,” Soft Comput., 15(10) (2011) 2029-2040 (SCI&EI)

13. Chih-Hui Chiu, You-Wei Lin and Chun-Hsien Lin, “Real-time control of a wheeled inverted pendulum based on an intelligent model free controller,” Mechatronics, 21(3) (2011) 523-533 (SCI&EI)

14. Wei-Wei Lin, Chung-Hsun Sun, and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Decentralized Guaranteed Cost Control for Large-Scale T-S Fuzzy Systems”, In. J. Fuzzy Sys., 12(4) (2010) 300-310 (SCI&EI)

15. Chih-Hui Chiu, Ya-Fu Peng, and You-Wei Lin, “Intelligent backstepping control for wheeled inverted pendulum,” Expert Syst. Appl., 38(4) (2011) 3364-3371. (SCI&EI)

16. Cheng-Hao Huang, Wen-June Wang, Chih-Hui Chiu, “Design and implementation of fuzzy control on a two-wheel inverted pendulum”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 58(7) (2011) 2988-3001.(SCI&EI,. (SCI&EI)

17. 邱智煇;蘇榮立;許宏哲;陳智仁;”雙鏡頭視覺系統運用於羽毛球軌跡之追蹤”; 運動健康休閒學報 3;p.p 197-204;2012.04.

18. Chih-Hui Chiu, “Self-tuning output recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller for a wheeled inverted pendulum control”, Neural Computing and Application., 19(8) (2010) 1153-1164 (SCI&EI)

19. Chih-Hui Chiu, “The design and implementation of a wheeled inverted pendulum using an adaptive output recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 57(5) (2010) 1814-1822. (SCI&EI)

20. Chih-Hui Chiu, “Adaptive output recurrent cerebellar model articulation controller for nonlinear system control”, Soft Computing, 14(6) (2010) 627-638. (SCI&EI)

21. Tung-Chien Chiang ,Chih-Hui Chiu, and Wen-June Wang,“A Fuzzy Rule Based Adaptive Center Weighted Median Filter”, Int. J. Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 27, Nos. 2/3, 2006 192-203.(EI)

22. Y. W. Teng, Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Function approximation via particular input space partition and region-based exponential membership function”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 142 (2004) 267-291. (SCI&EI)

23. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang, “A simple computation of MIN and MAX operations for fuzzy numbers”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 126 (2002) 273-276. (SCI&EI)

24. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang, “Simple calculation for the entropy of fuzzy numbers in addition and extension principle”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol 2, No. 4, 2000. (SCI&EI)

25. Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “The entropy change of fuzzy numbers with arithmetic operations”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 111 (2000) 357-366. (SCI&EI)

26. Y. H. Chen, Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “New estimation method for the membership values in fuzzy sets”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 112 (2000) 521-525. (SCI&EI)

27. Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “The entropy change in extension principle”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 103 (1999) 153-162. (SCI&EI)

28. Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Entropy variation on the fuzzy numbers with arithmetic operations”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 103 (1999) 443-455. (SCI&EI)

29. Wen-June Wang and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Entropy and information energy for fuzzy sets”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 108 (1999) 333-339. (SCI&EI)

30. Wen-June Wang, Shao-Feng Yan and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Flexible stability criteria for a linguistic fuzzy dynamic system”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 105 (1999) 63-80.(SCI&EI)


  1. Chih-Hui Chiu and Ya-Fu Peng,’ Electric unicycle control’ The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Sapporo, Japan.

  2. Chih-Hui Chiu,’ Omni-directional spherical robot’ 2016 5th IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics, Kumamoto, Japan.

  3. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chieh-Min Lin,’ Implementation of a biomimetic flapping-wing robot based on internet of things technology’ 2016 Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technology for Industrial Revolution 4.0, Fuzhou, China.

  4. Chih-Hui Chiu and Yu-Shiou Huang,’ Internet of things technology applies to two wheeled guard robot with visual ability’2016 Joint Symposium on Advanced Mechanical Science & Technologyfor Industrial Revolution 4.0, Fuzhou, China.

  5. Chih-Hui Chiu,’ Omni-directional spherical robot’ 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Osaka, Japan.

  6. Chih-Hui Chiu,’ Implementation of wheeled human transportation vehicle’ 2014 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Hokkaido, Japan.

  7. Chih-Hui Chiu and Ya-Fu Peng,’ Omni-directional spherical mobile system control’ 2013 The 9th Asia Control Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

  8. Chih-Hui Chiu, Chun Chieh Chang, and Ya-Fu Peng,’Implementation of human conveyance vehicle using model-free AORCMAC control strategy’ 2012 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Brisbane, Australia.

  9. Chih-Hui Chiu, and Chun-Hsien Lin, ’A WIP control based on an intelligent controller,’ ICCESSE 2011:’International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering’, pp. 384-389, Netherlands, Amsterdam.

  10. 邱智煇、吳泓叡, “ 輪型倒單擺系統實現-使用查表增強型基因演算法,” Proceedings of 2011 National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, June 2011.

  11. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chun Hsien Lin “Adaptive Output Recurrent Neural Network for Overhead Crane System”, 2010 SICE Annual Conference , pp. 1082-1087, Taiwan.

  12. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chun Chieh Chang “Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Control Based on Model-Free Fuzzy Control Strategy”, 2010 SICE Annual Conference , pp. 1604-1609, Taiwan.

  13. Chih-Hui Chiu and Ming Hung Chou “Model Free Fuzzy Control Strategy for Electric Unicycle”, 2010 18th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, pp. 192-196, Taiwan.

  14. Chih-Hui Chiu and Chun Chieh Chang “Implementation of wheeled human conveyance vehicle”, 2010 18th National Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications, pp. 197-201, Taiwan.

  15. Ya-Fu Peng, Hsiang-Wei Lai, Chih-Hui Chiu, and Rong-Jong “Wai Robust Recurrent Wavelet-based CMAC Control for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems with Hinf Tracking”, 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 3563-3570, Barcelona, Spain.

  16. Chih-Hui Chiu, Ya-Fu Peng, and You-Wei Lin ”WIPs real-time control using RIBTC” 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp. 4241-4246 Barcelona, Spain.

  17. Ya-Fu Peng, Chih-Hui Chiu ,Wen-Ru Tsai and Ming-Hung Chou, “Design of an Omni-directional Spherical Robot: Using Fuzzy Control” 2009 IAENG Inter. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and applications, pp. 168-173, Hong Kong.

  18. Chih-Hui Chiu, Wen-Ru Tsai, Ming-Hung Chou and Ya-Fu Peng “Two-wheeled robot control based on self-tuning output recurrent CMAC” 2009 IAENG Inter. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and applications, pp.17-22, Hong Kong.

  19. Chih-Hui Chiu and Jan-Da Wu “The design of AORCMAC for nonlinear system control” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, pp.1212-1216, 2009, Taiwan.

  20. 吳俊達, 邱智煇“大型雙足載具之設計與實現” National Symposium on System Science and Engineering, pp.257-262, 2009, Taiwan.

  21. Chih-Hui Chiu, Li-Hsing Fang, and Ching-Chuan Yang “A Robust Backstepping Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controller System designs” 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan.

  22. Chih-Hui Chiu, Li-Hsing Fang, and You-Wei Lin “Wheeled inverted pendlum control by robust adaptive backstepping controller” 2009 CACS International Automatic Control Conference, Taiwan.

  23. Ya-Fu Peng and Chih-Hui Chiu, “The Implementation of Wheeled Robot Using Adaptive Output Recurrent CMAC,” 2008 IEEE Inter. Conference on Neural Networks, Hong Kong.

  24. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-Ru Tsai, “Auto-adjusting fuzzy control strategy with the application to the rotary inverted pendulum” 2007 IAENG Inter. Conference on Artificial Intelligence and applications, Hong Kong.

  25. Chih-Hui Chiu and Ya-Fu Peng, “Design and implement of the self-dynamic controller for two-wheel transporter,” 2006 IEEE Inter. Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Vancouver, Canada.

  26. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wei-Yu Chen, “A chip based fuzzy logic controller,” 2005 IEEE Inter. Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

  27. Ya-Fu Peng, Chun-Fei Hsu, Chih-Min Lin and Chih-Hui Chiu, “Intelligent adaptive control scheme for uncertain nonlinear systems using H control tecnique”, 2005 IEEE Inter. Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

  28. 邱智煇,陳威宇,”兩輪機器人自我平衡控制之設計與實現”, 2004 自控研討會.

  29. 邱智煇,陳威宇, “以單晶片為基礎之旋轉型倒單擺模糊控制器”, 2003 自控研討會,1365-1370.

  30. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang, “Some formulas to get the entropy of fuzzy sets”, 2001 自控研討會.

  31. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang, “A convenient way to get the entropy in extension principle”, 2001 中華民國第九屆模糊理論及其應用會議.

  32. Chih-Hui Chiu and Wen-June Wang, “Simple way to get the entropy of fuzzy numbers in addition”, 2001 自控研討會.


  1. Table saw工具機安全防護裝置(已獲台灣專利)

  2. Table saw工具機安全防護裝置(美國專利申請中)

  3. 具人體防護與後移機構的安全系統、工具機台與運作方法(台灣專利)


  1. 個人移動載具之次世代能源系統關鍵技術開發(2/2)(99-2218-E-155-001-) 99/10-100/09 國科會

  2. 金屬雙極板燃料電池與鋰鐵電池-混合電力式電動機車產學合作計劃書----子計畫三:燃料電池平衡控制系統 99/08-100/07 裕器工業股份有限公司

  3. 以兩輪平台為移動裝置之機器人研究(NSC99-2221-E-155-083)99/08-100/07 國科會

  4. 個人移動載具之次世代能源系統關鍵技術開發(1/2)(98-2218-E-155-009-)98/10/-99/09國科會

  5. 時差定位應用被動偵蒐系統研究 97/07-97/11 中科院

  6. 兩輪機器人之設計與實現(I)( NSC 96-2221-E-155 -072 -) 96/08-97/07 國科會

  7. 人性化兩輪自走車之研究與製作-子計畫三:兩輪自走車動態控制之設計與實現(III) (NSC95-2221-E-033-098-) 95/08-96/07 國科會

  8. 性化兩輪自走車之研究與製作-子計畫三:兩輪自走車動態控制之設計與實現(II) (NSC94-2213-E-231-019-) 94/08-95/07 國科會

  9. 人性化兩輪自走車之研究與製作-子計畫三:兩輪自走車動態控制之設計與實現(I) (NSC93-2218-E-231-001-) 93/08-94/07 國科會

  10. 商用空調機遠端監控 93/06/-93/12 教育部、東元股份有限公司

  11. 智慧型車牌辨識系統之研究開發NSC93-2622-E-231-031-CC3)93/11-94/10 國科會